Tuesday, December 6, 2011

House Styles

What is a house style?
_ A house style is a set of rules which state how all documents and written communication from a business should be formatted.
Why are they needed?
_ To ensure consistency across all documents.
_ To support brand recognition
_ Reduce amount of time
_ Reduce risk of mistakes
What makes a house style?
_ Color, fonts, margin and white spaces, logo and graphics, tone of language

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Using Images

* Consistency sizes.
* Same border for every images so viewers can easily identify them.
* Only re-size images from the corner or they'll look too fat or too thin.
* Use only one kind of shape for all images.
* Don't stretch bit-mapped images too much or it'll look blurry. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Brochure Planning

Picture = Blue
Background = White
Text = Red
Title = Yellow         

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tokyo Trip Leaflet

 All possible things to include in the leaflet.
_ Title
_ Date leave and back
_ Total budget per person
_ Hotel
_ Activities
_ Flight
_ Tell parents how great the trip will be and convince them to let their sons and daughters to join.
_ Destination
_ Contact
_ Purpose of the trip
_ Images
_ Permission form

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Computer Modelling

     What is model, why it is used, differences between a model and simulation?
_ Model allows you to test out different situations and risks in real life without actually doing it. Model is close to real life depends on how careful it was built. Model can be very simple or super complex depends on the scenarios. People used model because it is less expensive, they can avoid real life risks, and change the formulas. For example, we can plan a field trip, building a house, making a party using model. Model is setup based on various rules and formulas, while simulation is used to test out the consequences based on how the model is created.

An example of simulation model.